

Original price was: £82.75.Current price is: £73.75.

DAILY DETOX PLUS Activated Zeolite

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We have recently (Jan. 2022) been able to reach agreement with Rik Deitsch, the inventor and owner of the proprietary manufacturing process used in the production of DDP, to import CELL DEFENDER directly from his company in USA, without needing to deal with the network marketing systems operated by Navan Global who supplied us with DDP.

This means that we have been able to reduce the price of CELL DEFENDER compared with the price Daily Detox Plus (DDP) when it was available on this website.

You can read more about and order CELL DEFENDER  here

DAILY DETOX PLUS™ is a top-grade zeolite product designed to permeate the blood stream as well as the digestive tract. DAILY DETOX PLUS (DDP) is a colloidal suspension of Clinoptolite Zeolite in water, the zeolite having been activated by a proprietary process of micronisation and thorough cleansing (aka “Activated Liquid Zeolite“).

The advanced technology previously used in manufacturing Waiora’s Natural Cellular Defense (NCD) – which we sold for many years – has recently (early 2020) been licensed to Navan Global, following the termination of Waiora’s license with Nutra Pharma Corp. We are therefore making Navan Global’s new product, Daily Detox Plus (DDP), available on this website.

DDP comes in 30 mL bottles, twice the size of Waiora’s NCD bottles.

Each 30 mL bottle contains approximately 600 drops. The recommended dosage initially is 10 drops, 3 times daily. This can be reduced to a lower maintenance dose after the initial detox period.



  • Helps safely remove heavy metals such as lead, mercury, arsenic, cadmium, and other toxins
  • Helps maintain proper pH levels in the body
  • Helps remove pesticides, herbicides & dioxins from the body
  • Reduces viral load
  • Supports immune system function
  • Supports the body’s ability to trap free radical molecules, making it an effective antioxidant
  • Helps prevent premature aging by removing the toxic load allowing our body’s normal repair and regeneration mechanisms to work more efficiently
  • Many detox solutions leave you feeling drained because they indiscriminately remove healthy minerals. Daily Detox removes only unhealthy ions, allowing your body to make way for the good.
Click here to read a review by Dr Gabriel Cousens which confirms the high quality of DDP relative to NCD.  


In this short video, the biochemist Rik Dietsch explains the value of zeolites and his production process – which is used in the manufacture of Navan’s DDP.


WHITE PAPER ON THE SCIENCE: This is an extract from a scientific paper describing the natural action of activated zeolite within our bodies:

The zeolite in Daily Detox Plus (DDP) attracts and traps small, highly-charged particles that fit into the pores and channels of the zeolite cage. The SiO4 units are electrically neutral, but each AlO4 unit carries a negative charge, creating fixed, negatively charged sites throughout the crystal structure. The negative charges of the AlO4 units are balanced by the presence of exchangeable, positively charged metals known as cations. These cations usually consist of calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium and iron. These ions are only loosely held and can be readily displaced by other substances, such as toxic heavy metals.

This phenomenon is known as “cationic exchange”, and it is the very high cationic exchange capacity of zeolites which provides for many of their useful properties. In their chemical makeup, zeolites are a lot like clay, in that they are both made up of aluminum, silica and oxygen. However, there is an important difference in their structure. Many types of clay have a layered crystalline structure (similar to a deck of cards) and are subject to shrinking and swelling as water is absorbed and removed between the layers. In contrast, zeolites have a rigid, 3-dimensional crystalline structure (similar to a honeycomb) consisting of a network of interconnected tunnels and cages. Water moves
freely in and out of these pores but the zeolite’s framework remains rigid.
Another special aspect of this structure is that the pore and channel sizes are nearly uniform, allowing the crystal to act as a molecular sieve.

Whereas most chelating agents used for detoxification are non-specific, only relying on charge for binding potential, the clinoptilolite seems to be highly specific for the toxic heavy metals. Research has shown that the smaller the diameter of the metal and the higher the charge of the metal, the greater the affinity it has for the activated liquid zeolite. Higher charges simply increase the strength of binding with higher binding characteristics. The small size allows for deeper access into the zeolite pores with more points of coordination (attachment). Larger atoms do not fit into the zeolite cage as well and so are more easily exchanged for higher-affinity metals.

As an example of this phenomenon, arsenic has a charge of +3 and an atomic radius of approximately 1.8 angstroms, while potassium has a
charge of only +1 and an atomic radius of approximately 2.8 angstroms. The arsenic binds with very high affinity for the zeolite while the potassium has no affinity whatsoever. It just so happens that the most toxic metals are those with a small radius and high ionic charges. The healthy minerals and electrolytes tend to have larger size with smaller ionic charges.

The clinoptilolite binds a variety of toxins. This includes heavy metals (Lead, Cadmium, Mercury, etc..), nitrosamines and others. Cationic exchange is an entirely passive process – when the zeolite is in close proximity to these high-affinity compounds, they will be drawn to the zeolite and either absorbed into the cage or adsorbed onto the surface of the zeolite. There is no chemical activity in this process. The zeolite will not be drawn to compounds in an effort to ‘rip’ metals away from them. In other words, the zeolite will not pull metals that are
sequestered inside tissue or bone. If, on the other hand, the tissue has already released free metals into the system, the zeolite will have the ability to trap and remove it.

You can read more about the scientific background to DDP and the use of zeolites generally in this White Paper which gives a comprehensive explanation of how zeolites work in humans and animals, and the micronization and activation process for DDP .

This shorter paper explains the unique features of the DDP manufacturing process – and why it is so much more effective and safe than other zeolite products.

IMPORTANT CONTRAINDICATIONS: * For patients using chemotherapy, please note that Liquid Zeolite may remove from the body supplemental lithium and the chemotherapy agents cisplatin and carboplatin, both of which contain platinum. We understand, however, that it is safe to begin or resume taking liquid zeolite 3 days after using cisplatin and carboplatin, and 2 days after using other chemotherapy drugs. If you wish to use liquid zeolite while taking lithium, please consult your physician.

If you are an insulin-dependent diabetic, be aware that liquid zeolite may lower your need for insulin.


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